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经典浸锡工艺的漂洗助剂ORMECON RAD 7000 c

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  • 品牌:无锡中镀科技有限公司
  • 型号:详细说明有联系方式
  • 单价:25.00元/kg 
  • 供货总量:999 kg
  • 最小起订:1 kg
  • 发货地址:江苏 无锡市
  • 有  效 期:长期有效
  • 发货期限:自买家付款之日起 天内发货
  • 本产品由中镀科技提供,请致电了解详情。
  • 18962647161
  • 在线联系     或 发询价单
无锡中镀科技有限公司详细说明有联系方式经典浸锡工艺的漂洗助剂ORMECON RAD 7000 c,,价格25.00元/kg,你可以联系中镀科技卖家了解更多的产品信息。联系人:方,电话:0510-85790561。



Rinse Aid for ORMECON CSN Classic Immersion Tin Processes

                                                       -------------------ORMECON RAD 7000 c 用于ORMECON CSN 经典浸锡工艺的漂洗助剂


ORMECON RAD 7000 C is an aqueous, alkaline, liquid concentrate used to assist in the removal of residueson PCB (printed circuit boards) following the initial water rinsing of ORMECON CSN 7004 immersion tinbath. When diluted with deionized water the ORMECON RAD 7000 C neutralize acidic residues left on the PCB from the immersion tin bath, significantly reducing ionic contamination levels on the boards. It can be used in either spray or immersion applications. ORMECON RAD 7000 C is free rinsing and completely compatible with the entire line of CSN Classic lmmersion Tin process chemistries. ORMECON RAD 7000 C是一种水性,碱性,液体浓缩物,用于在ORMECON CSN 7004浸泡锡槽初始水冲洗后协助去除PCB(印刷电路板)上的残留物。当用去离子水稀释时,ORMECON RAD 7000 C可以中和浸泡锡槽中留在PCB上的酸性残留物,显著降低电路板上的离子污染水平。它可以用于喷雾或浸泡应用。ORMECON RAD 7000 C是免费漂洗,完全兼容整个系列的CSN经典lmmersion锡工艺化学。


                                                             Horizontal Range                                     Nominal

Concentration(浓度)                      1.0 to 25% by volume                                  5.0%

Temperature (温度)                        40 to 60 C (104 to 140°F)                     50°C (122 °F)



Before handling any of the products referred to in this data sheet ensure all relevant Safety Data Sheets have been read and understood. 在处理本数据表中提到的任何产品之前,确保已阅读和理解所有相关的安全数据表。

To make up the ORMECON RAD 7000 Post Treatment Rinse Aid add the required amount of ORMECONRAD 7000 C to heated, recirculating, water. 为配制ORMECONRAD 7000处理后漂洗助剂,将所需量的ORMECONRAD 7000 C加入加热的循环水中。


PCB panels must be thoroughly rinsed with Dl water prior to entering the ORMECON RAD 7000 C rinse aid.DO NOT use ORMECON RAD 7000 C immediately following ORMECON 7004 CSN immersion tin bath without a water rinse. Typical dwell times in ORMECON RAD 7000C are between 20 and 90 seconds. ORMECON RAD 7000 C is always followed by thorough water rinsing to ensure removal of the rinse aid solution from the PCB board surface. Deionized water should be used in the final rinse to achieve the required ionic cleanliness. ORMECON RAD7000 C treatment is especially recommended for complex board designs, as well as blind vias and solder mask plugged holes. 在进入ORMECON RAD 7000 C冲洗助剂之前,PCB板必须用Dl水彻底冲洗。在没有水冲洗的情况下,不要在ORMECON 7004 CSN浸泡锡浴后立即使用ORMECON RAD 7000c。ORMECON RAD 7000C的典型停留时间在20到90秒之间。ORMECON RAD 7000 C清洗后必须进行彻底的水冲洗,以确保PCB板表面的漂洗辅助溶液被清除。最后冲洗时应使用去离子水,以达到所需的离子清洁度。ORMECON RAD7000 C处理特别推荐用于复杂的电路板设计,以及盲孔和阻焊塞孔。


ORMECON RAD 7000 C working solutions may be contained in stainless steel, polypropylene, and PTFE. Heaters may be of PTFE  ,PTFE coated stainless steel or titanium. lt is recommended that heaters are supplied with over temperature shut off protection. ORMECON RAD 7000 C工作溶液可能含有不锈钢、聚丙烯和聚四氟乙烯。加热器可以是聚四氟乙烯,聚四氟乙烯涂层不锈钢或钛。建议加热器提供超温关闭保护。

Exhaust ventilation is required to remove fumes or mist that may be generated during make-up and operation.排气通风是必要的,以清除在装配和操作过程中可能产生的烟雾或薄雾。


The following analytical procedure is recommended for use by personnel who have been trained to use laboratory practices which are considered safe and prudent by chemical industry standards. Such practices include suitable personal protective equipment, the use of proper equipment, the use of proper methods of   handling all chemicals and proper laboratory procedures. Use only analytical reagent grade chemicals and deionized or distilled water in the following analytical procedures. 以下分析程序建议由经过化学工业标准认为安全谨慎的实验室操作培训的人员使用。这些做法包括适当的个人防护装备、使用适当的设备、使用适当的方法处理所有化学品和适当的实验室程序。在以下分析程序中,仅使用分析试剂级化学品和去离子水或蒸馏水。

CAUTION:注意事项         The following procedures involve the use of potentially hazardous chemicals. Consult manufacturer's Safety Data Sheets and follow the appropriate safety precautions. 以下程序涉及到潜在危险化学品的使用。查阅制造商的安全数据表,并遵循适当的安全预防措施。


Equipment Needed设备要求

Pipette(移液管): 5.0 mL

Conical Flask(锥形烧瓶): 250 mL

Reagents Needed试剂要求

0.1   mol/L HCl

Phenolphthalein Indicator Solution(酚酞指示剂): Phenolphthalein 0.1g, Dl water 30 mL, and Ethanol 70 mL酚酞0.1g, Dl水30 mL,乙醇70 mL。


1.Pipet 5mL of sample into the conical flask.用移液管取 5mL样品放入锥形瓶中。

2. Add 100 to 150mL of Dl water. 加入100至150mL Dl水。

3.Add 5 to 10 drops of Phenolphthalein indicator solution. 加入5 - 10滴酚酞指示剂溶液。

4.Titrate with 0.1 mol/L HCl from purple to colorless end point . 用0.1 mol/L HCl滴定,从紫色终点至无色终点。


RAD7000 C (%)= vol of HCl (mL)x 0.177 x Factor

(For 0.1mol/l HCl, the Factor =1)


The concentration of ORMECON RAD 7000 C working solution can be maintained with additions of the ORMECON RAD 7000 C concentrate. An addition of 10 ml of ORMECON RAD 7000 C to 1 L of working  solution will raise the ORMECON RAD 7000 C concentration by 1%.通过添加ORMECON RAD 7000 C浓缩物,可以保持ORMECON RAD 7000 C工作溶液的浓度。在1 L的工作溶液中加入10 ml的ORMECON RAD 7000 C,可以使ORMECON RAD 7000 C浓度提高1%。


Under typical mass production conditions, the ORMECON RAD 7000 C bath should be replaced every four weeks. 在典型的大规模生产条件下,ORMECON RAD 7000 C浴槽应每四周更换一次。


For detailed information consult the material safety data sheets for this product. 有关详细信息,请参阅本产品的材料安全数据表.

Please read material safety data sheets carefully before using this product.使用本产品前,请仔细阅读材料安全数据表。

以上是产品经典浸锡工艺的漂洗助剂ORMECON RAD 7000 c的品牌、型号,规格、价格及发货等相关信息,你可以到中镀科技网址http://www.hqddw.cn/qiye/altchem1/上查阅更多产品信息。
  • 本产品由 中镀科技 提供,请致电了解详情。
  • 18962647161
  • 在线联系    或 发询价单


  • 公司名称:中镀科技
  • 联 系 人:方   
  • 联系电话:0510-85790561
  • 手机号码:18962647161
  • 所在地区:江苏 无锡市
  • 联系地址:无锡市梁溪区会岸路90号-22030


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